It can do this by creating a loosely coupled flow between loosely coupled services. 它可以通过在松散耦合的服务之间创建松散耦合的流来完成此工作。
How the services are implemented with underlying systems; are they tightly coupled or loosely coupled? 服务如何通过底层系统实现,它们是紧密耦合的还是松散耦合的?
Look at how the BPEL process flow and service interaction are implemented; are they tightly coupled or loosely coupled and can the BPEL process itself can be exposed as a service with open standards? 检查BPEL流程流和服务交互是如何实现的:它们是紧密耦合还是松散耦合的?BPEL流程本身可以使用开放标准呈现吗?
It should be loosely coupled to distributed technologies and loosely coupled to implementation technology. 它应该与分布式技术松散耦合,与实现技术松散耦合。
The industry has moved from tightly coupled RPC-style synchronous services, to loosely coupled asynchronous ones. 业界已从紧密耦合的RPC风格的同步服务转向松散耦合的异步服务。
Usually, we talk in levels of linkage: is your system tight coupled or loosely coupled? 通常也就行语说的:系统是高耦合还低耦合的!
A system typically has clusters of closely coupled components that are then loosely coupled to one another other. 系统通常有一些紧密耦合的组件群集,而那些组件是松散耦合在一起的。
For example, flipping a wall switch to turn on a light is a tightly coupled system. However, making a telephone call to order a book is a loosely coupled system. 例如,扳动墙上的开关接通电灯就是紧耦合系统,而利用电话订购书就是松耦合系统。
The analyses reveal that, compared with traditional tightly coupled mode parallel ATPG algorithms, loosely coupled mode parallel ATPG algorithms can reduce time and memory overhead in theory. 分析表明,和传统的紧耦合模式的并行ATPG算法相比,松耦合模式的并行ATPG算法能够减少时间和存储开销。
The architecture of data warehouse system is a key research subject in data warehouse field. After analyzing the traditional architecture of data warehouse system, three architectures and their constructing strategies of tightly coupled, loosely coupled and information issuance are proposed. 数据仓库系统的体系结构是数据仓库领域的一个研究重点,在分析传统数据仓库系统体系结构基础上,提出了基于ODS的紧密耦合型、松散耦合型、信息发布型结构及相应的构建策略。
Web Services offer an evolution of the Internet-standards-based distributed computing model, foster a change from tightly coupled, rigid, and static solutions that focus on implementation technologies, to loosely coupled, flexible, and dynamic solutions focusing on dynamic business models. WebServices提供了一种新的基于Internet的分布式计算的模型,促进了软件体系结构从紧耦合、严格、静态的模型向松耦合、灵活、动态的商务模型发展。
With the quick development of Electronic Commerce and the enterprise application on Internet, the tightly coupled synchronous Message Delivery System could no more support the distributed system's need of being more and more loosely coupled. 随着电子商务需求和Internet上企业级应用的迅速发展,传统的紧密耦合的同步消息传递方式已经严重地阻碍了希望实现松散耦合的分布式系统的发展。
Loosely coupled systems are widely used in enterprise. Due to have dispersion and heterogeneous features, the performance of loosely coupled systems are difficult to be measured and analyzed. 松耦合系统广泛应用于企业的信息系统中,由于分散、异构等特征,松耦合系统的性能比较难于测量和分析。